Saturday, October 5, 2013

Creator and the Creation

In tragedies of life often god was lost to me
Still, the only thing I always remembered about my god,

Is not his mercy, because his world has none.
Is not his justice, because his world has none.
Is not his purity, because his world has none.
Is not his sanity, because his world has none.

All that I remember is in his voice the words “Be Different”
Don’t look for me in the darkness or in the light.

Build me anew with the wisdom of your mind.
Build me anew in the hope of your heart.
Build me anew with the strength of your spirit
Build me anew in the experience of your life.

And then hold me tight and be proud, through the year I spare on you.
Not just because you were created but because you created.

So choose the righteous path not just because I am looking over you,
but because I am following on your footsteps too
So have courage in your heart not because a giant is protecting you,
But because you are the giant protecting me.
So pick yourself up when you fall not just because I am holding your hand,
But because you have to teach me how to stand too.
So preach and teach not because you have what was given to you,
But because you have something you discovered,  to teach to me.

I am no longer just a father to you, who shall lead you.
Rather I am you’re son, who shall be lead by you.

My world knows no mercy but yours can.
My world knows no justice but yours can.
My world knows no purity but yours can.
My world knows no sanity but yours can.

So dream and hope because your purpose was not to be created, but to create.
I did not create you to just sit back and read, but to buckle up and write.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Our morals AND Our consitution

Someone once asked me what is the relationship between a society's moral and the law of the land, the constitution that is supposed to govern it. Well even after thinking for a long time the only way I could describe it was by the word hypocrisy. The society although build on the very basis of the law that governs it i.e the constitution, still swears not by it but by its moral. The morals of society clearly accept female feoticide and things like gender bias or dowry system with open arm even though the law tries really hard to make them go away.The law states that everyman is equal but our morals state otherwise it states that it is okay to oppress the weak. On two separate occasion I saw a little bump of vehicles in first case it was a car and a auto the man from the car got out and slapped the man driving the auto. On a second occasion an auto and a rickshaw bumped lightly but this time the auto driver went ahead and slapped the rickshaw puller. Yet in another incident I saw a car of a party worker(some big name political party) just leave a parking lot without paying the parking fee while the fee collector looked at him contemplating and maybe feeling helpless and so did I. The basic patter and societies mindset in all these are hard to miss. So the thing is even though it may appear that law governs tha land but the truth of the matter is its the morals of a society that overshadows it in day to day way of going about business. So even though a new law may be brought in with stricter and harsher punishment the truth remains it will be as useless as the last one unless the society which has to both implement and follow it accepts it as part of our morals.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The grammer

Tried to revisit the grammer front that as kid I had worked so hard to build and realized what a fool I have made out of myself. I have completely lost my touch with grammer that is effecting my relay and execution of ideas. So I believe its time to revisit the classroom for refreshing my memory and making some new. After all I do enjoy writing.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

To family and friends

It's been so long since I felt something this strong,
These emotion surging withing me,
These feeling that are killing me,
I've always known that I am no good.
At least not with speaking the truth,
But those who know and those who can see through me.
know that I ain't always so calm and patient and reserved
I am a man of wild fantasies and of dream
A man scared of loneliness and being alone
so this is not just a status update
this is my heart felt emotions of gratitude
Thank you all for being there when I needed, I you.

 This one is for my family and my true friends.....

P.S:- I really have lost it don't mind me

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The fire

The fire that consumed me,
Was something from within.

The winds may have brought you to me,
But what consumed me, were my feelings within.

I don't know what I felt for you,
But it sure as hell was worth a try.

Years ago we sat together,

And now we are so far apart.

You live across the block yet still,
I don't know how to give this a start.

And once again you are drifting away ,
Maybe to meet back another day,
some other way.

                      -dedicated to my friend who had something for someone from long lost past only to meet and be lost again or maybe not.

I'm back

These past few months I have layed low on the blogging front but now I am back... So this here is right to that feeling of being back

Fallen and broken and cast aside,
They thought I was not gonna give a fight.
But fuck those pansies who thought I was gone,
Cause right here right now, It's ON,

I don't need a world to know my thoughts,
I just need the courage to put them up for all,
Whether you see it, like it,or hate it, It doesn't matter,
Cause in all this, my part I have played.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The bullshit of life

I don't know what love really means,
But I know of all the loves in my life,
You will be the most beautiful of them all..

I don't know what pains life will give me,
But I know of all the pains, leaving
You will be the greatest of them all,

I don't know how hard I can fight,
But I know of the few I'll fight with all my heart.
You will be the greatest of them all

I don't know how many vices I'll have
But of them not having the courage to tell
You will be the greatest of them all

I don't know how many opportunities I'll miss,
But not having a chance with
You will be the greatest of them all.